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Dell TrueMobile 350 internal Bluetooth Module

16 april 2005

This is a Bluetooth module by Ricoh and it works out of the box when you have the Linux Bluetooth subsystem compiled in your kernel. I also did this:

apt-get install bluez-utils

to install the BlueZ bluetooth utils. To check if your adapter works:

hcitool dev

should give something like:

        hci0    00:10:C6:5A:CC:E8

It took me sometime to find out how to attach my Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard (Human Interface Devices, HID). The trick is to edit /etc/default/bluez-utils and tutn on HIDD_ENABLED. After you restart the bluez-utils you can scan for HID devices:

# /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart
# hidd --search
# hidd --show
00:50:F2:E7:19:D6 HID Boot Device [045e:007b] connected [boot-protocol]
00:50:F2:E6:05:7B HID Boot Device [045e:007c] connected [boot-protocol]


Sweet, when I boot my laptop and press a key or move my mouse, the devices automagically connect! On M$ Windows I have to press the connect button under my keyboard and enter a pin code for pairing.

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